Yesterday we headed over to Henry's preschool and walked into a room with these little kiddos all lined up.
Waiting excitedly to wave to their parents.
Henry shyly smiled when he saw me, but when daddy appeared he lit up.
Daddy's do that.
Then they sang for us...and Henry sang. He's been doing that lately and it blows me away!
He has grown so much.
Henry's teacher planned a cute little program to celebrate their end of the year of preschool.
Next year Henry is going to try a new preschool for our family.
He grew so much this year.
His teacher was the perfect personality and knew the just right attack plan to draw Henry out of his shell and push him to show more of his true colors
Sadly, the district is losing Ms. Kary because she is expecting her first child in October and is choosing to stay home to raise her little guy.
What a tender mama she will be.
We all chuckle and say we would love to peek in on her in a year or two and wonder if she will use her soft preschool voice for all the not so soft voiced moments we have as mamas. We can't imagine her losing it like we all do.
Lately, I have been around a few mom's who are going to have their first child and both Ed and I walk away thinking we would love to go back and experience that first birth, first day at home, first everything. Now that we know what we are doing (kinda) we just know we would actually relax and enjoy it more.
Here is Henry graduating from his first year of preschool.
And here is daddy and Sydney cheering him on.
And if you remember we had to trick him into standing next to his teacher for a picture at the beginning of the year. This time he didn't hesitate to stand next to her for a picture.
We truly lucked out this year. She was a great one.
Here is one of his best little buds.
He and Sawyer have really become great playmates.
Besides moving on out of 3 &4 year old preschool...
He also moved out of another level of swim lessons.
This kiddo is ready for the pool this summer.
I have a lot less fear taking three kids to the pool because I know Henry will be much more independent in the water. So proud of him.
And here is our third little blessing who gets so excited when her brothers come into view after they have been gone for the day or the morning or an hour. She tags along to all our activities and play dates. She let's this mama put that crazy pony at the top of her head and she is now enjoying the freedom of wandering about in these new places...exploring the world around her.
Life is moving quickly in our household.
And it is taking everything out of me to keep up with all the end of the school celebrations, events, and responsibilities. I love how it makes me anticipate next Friday morning when we have NO WHERE to be at any given time. I love how it makes me itch to make plans spontaneously and take each day how it comes. No more notes in backpacks, math home links, spelling lists, carpool lanes...just looking out at the weather and going with where ever the wind takes us.
Today: Nothing on our agenda except gearing up for the weekend. I always like to have the house pulled together so that isn't hanging over my head. We need toothpaste and Ed's granola bars. We have some friends popping in late morning to say hi. Sydney was up at 5 am this morning so I am guessing she will be ready for nap number one any minute. And the boys were told to sleep in so we'll see how that plays out.
Coffee number two...about to be poured.
Happy Weekending!

I had one up at 5:15am this morning too, although I think the same child won't be napping, boo!
Can't wait till summer is here, there will be times we have places to be but there won't be homework or lunches to pack yippee.
Can't believe everything about Henry this year. So proud f him! Rr
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