So wanna here a CRAZY story about a four year old boy and ice cream.
Tell me he isn't crazy. Because, when I told his brother and friend this story they could not believe it.
Today Henry joined Sydney and I on an outing to get my hair cut. A good friend, Ms. Katie, joined us to help. We had lunch first and then I scooted across the street with Sydney to begin my hair cut. I left Henry with Katie. (NOTE: Henry didn't hesitate or make a fuss when I told him I was running across the street. Whenever I mention Katie or Katie and Casey both my boys get excited. They are special to our boys. I would have assumed Henry would not want to be left. He is growing up.). So I took advantage of his go with it attitude and escaped to my hair appointment. Katie had asked if it would be okay to buy him some dessert. Sure.
I later learned that she ordered him a fun ice cream treat and he wouldn't eat it. Crazy? I think so. What kid doesn't eat ice cream that is treated to them? Luckily, Ms. Katie is expecting her first and you know what that means....of course it means she was up to the challenge of conquering the ice cream treat herself. After their treat they strolled some fun shops and then joined us.
Without knowing the ice cream story I offered Henry an ice cream treat at the neighboring ice cream shop. He picked a scoop in a dish, not a cone, of the blue cotton candy ice cream complete with sprinkles smattered about inside the ice cream. Did he eat it? Nope. So Sydney and I nibbled it up.
So this afternoon I shared the story with his brother, that TWO fabulous women bought Henry ice cream and he didn't eat either. Crazy? I think so.
Katie and I both learned something about Henry. He is an ice cream fibber. We will no longer offer him ice cream treats or believe him when he asks for ice cream. Kinda like the "Never cry wolf story"....
Speaking of ice cream. Ed brought home some frozen yogurt, trying to be more healthy. It was a new flavor. Key lime pie. It was delicious. He claimed to have only gotten one bowl. Sorry Ed. Anyways, what's your favorite ice cream to keep stashed in your freezer.

I have seen Henry gobble up some good looking icecream treats,so this is just AMAZING!
I was so surprised--graham cracker ice cream! It WAS delish! Thanks again for a wonderful escape hanging with Henry.. He did give me some good tips on things I should buy for the baby!
Wait a minute!!!!!! Wasn't it you who would tell me you'd join me for ice cream dessert in our dorm days...and only after I had made myself a big bowl of peanut butter had changed your mind? It took me many nights at Hilltop to learn that YOU were an ice cream fibber. The cone doesn't fall far from the tree! Ha!!!!!!
Mint chocolate chip. But sadly I'm doing a sugar cleanse right now and can't have any!!
That is crazy!
I find it crazy that my Charley doesn't like pizza, what kid doesn't love pizza?
Seriously, I'm jealous of Henry!! I wish I could just look at a bowl of ice cream. Lived off ice cream during both pregnancy. Gregg would have to make special trips to Uptown for my favorite (Sebastian Joe's Double Chocolate, Chocolate Chip). Now a days I choose a healthier option...Ben & Jerry's Yogurt Phish Food. Key Lime Pie...getting primed for next week?? :-)
We don't keep ice cream in our freezer very often, but my favorite ice cream flavor is bubble gum! I get an extra cup to put the gum in until I'm done with the ice cream and then I have a big bunch to blow bubbles with. My mom doesn't like ice cream, either. It seems rather un-American, huh?
i used to be a popcorn girl and andy would do icecream. after being pregnant with eli-i enjoy a good bowl of icecream. i like vanilla but any additions are welcome-i like mini marshmellows on top. I grew up with magic shell-YUM. RR
Tot has started refusing chocolate ice cream, but only chocolate. What's wrong with this kid?
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