Early mornings mean that mama and Miss Syd get to snuggle in our pink and red pjs.
Early mornings mean that bath time in the evening is calming and does it's job.
I finally ordered a picture of our tribe to replace the picture of just the boys.
This instagram picture does not do it justice. But I am pretty happy with it.
I clicked the wrong size so it takes up the whole frame. But it fits. So that is fine.
Henry's early wake time has him curled up enjoying a cartoon every afternoon.
I also got the picture wall all finished.
I have tackled projects like our front craft closet. Ed doesn't think we need this space...but I remind him that there are women who have whole rooms devoted to their crafting.
And does everyone agree that no matter how well you think you have craft crap organized..it will still be a mess in a couple days.
We have these great friends that got a new bedroom set.
And they offered us their old one.
I got us some new bedding too. It is a little crazy but it is bright and fun.
In this picture the duvet hasn't been inserted into the cover so it looks flat.
And since the rest of the room is lacking a lot of other decoration...it works.
The set came with the bed frame, bedside table, and dresser.
This has changed our lives, thank you Katie and Casey.
Our bedroom is no longer just a dump spot but a place where I fall asleep much more peacefully.
Syd has blossomed at ECFE and now is down and playing just like the big kids.
She is even making her own little friends.
This little guy found her very alluring.
Target has some cute little separates for only $5.00 a piece.
So little sis got a few new items...including these little blue and white stripped leggings that I love.
After busy mornings at ECFE class, Sydney and I fight over the last avocado.
I have mastered picking out great avocados and have gotten really good at cutting them up.
This is one of my favorite snacks these days...
sprinkled with just a teeny tiny bit of kosher salt.
And after snacks or lunch I have taken time this week to sit and relax.
Still loving Words with Friends and Doodle Find is a new obsession on the iPad.
I even enjoyed one of these Dr. Peppers...that I haven't had since I was pregnant.
Lately, I am trying to capture the beauty in our ordinary moments around here.
Snuggled in, finding contentment in the simple little things.
It has been a week that has pushed me as a mama.
And the week isn't even over yet.
But I notice that recognizing all the little moments that make up some of the best moments in our day...make the sometimes long days ...well, not so long.
On our way to Henry's school I decided to keep Charley home. He just has a cold, and I would normally send him to school with it. But it has his face all dry and crusty and since I LOVE him and am cringing if he comes close...I figured we would take a day and try to get things looking a little less crusty.
So the boys are enjoying each other.
Syd didn't take a morning nap.
So she is going on hour two this afternoon.
We bought new chalk today at the store...I know, totally weird for February in MN.
But there is no snow and the temps are a wee bit more mild so I think we will head out and do that later.
To those that are aware of my week...2 down, 2 to go.
I wanted to thrive and not just survive...but I think we will just celebrate the idea of "survival" this week. And if there are moments when we thrive...well bonus!
To Colleen and Raina - GO!

Love the new duvet cover, so fun!
I wish I had a bigger art closet close to the kitchen.
You can do it, you are over halfway there.
way to take the moments in!
We too have been playing with chalk outside and riding bikes/scooters. We even roasted hot dogs and smores out in the firepit a couple nights ago for family night! Today though the rain is keeping us cozy inside. I thought I'd never say it but I am actually enjoying the quiet the rain as brought today.
I relayed your message to the little one. Let's see if it listens! Proud of you for being a single mom of three this week. Never an easy thing.
I love the bedding!! I love the colors and the patterns and did I mention the colors??? Fun stuff, Sarah!
I love all the cute girlie things and if I could go back, I would get rid of Greg's hand-me-downs and try to put Raina in pink stripes and polka dots and hair ribbons and bows....but note, the word is "try" because once Raina was 18 months old, she only wanted comfy clothes. But of course, again, I didn't have a pile of pink comfy clothes for her :-( Enjoy the femininity in your home!
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