"cereal-sly, aren't these cool!"
or, "Check these out. We could totally do this!"
And, "These are SUPER awesome."
And the boys smiled and giggled. But they still insisted they wanted to go to the store and pick out a box of the darn cartoon ones. So that's what we did. BUT LOOK! For a whooping $5.00 each boy got to pick their dream box. And they both sat down and didn't complain a bit about writing them out. Henry got lots of practice writing his name. LOVE THIS. And Charley finally was able to write his friend's names and his names fast enough that he didn't get bored with it and small enough that he could do it himself to his satisfaction. We went back today to buy an extra box so they could just have fun doing the sticker puzzles but all of them were sold out (the kind they picked). Glad I had my act together in time.
**While shopping for their Valentine cards we ran into a mom from Charley's class. She told me that her son was the same way. He wanted the store bought. But she said that her kindergarten daughter is making her own with doilies and sparkles and all that jazz. She tipped her head at Sydney and reminded me that I still have a chance at a crafty homemade Valentine.
****The boys did sound interested in doing these cute ones for their teachers! We won't buy the rolos until this weekend though...because if we bought them today...well let's just say, they wouldn't be here by Tuesday.
This morning as we were packing up for school Charley said, "Remember mom, next Halloween I want to go to Tar*get to get my costume." Ugh. Already they are insisting on store bought instead of creatively put together by us.

I love all the Valentines and the "story". Kids will be kids, but in the future they will also remember all of the creativity that came naturally in your home. Smiles galore from me. Grandma Charlie and I will look forward to the costume that C finds next year at Tar*get.
LOVE these...I'm hoping Eli will go for the Super-hero tootsie roll one. :) We'll see! :) This is one of our goals to get done this weekend. ;)
Love these - I pinned the rolo ones and hopefully Chicken will want to make them for his teachers this weekend!
You are such a nice mom. I picked out valentines last year on super clearance and just showed them to my kids... No choosing involved :). They didn't seem to mind, amazingly!
LOVE the Superhero ones!!! Great idea! :) KD
Stealing the rolo idea! :)
Hi Sarah! Thank you for introducing yourself and the kind words over at my blog. Sorry you had trouble commenting, but happy you persevered! I am excited to look around over here and you just reminded me about Valentine's Day! My kids still haven't made theirs yet!
Loved this post. I had the same hopes and dreams for Valentine's Day as well, but our boys were passionate about finding the perfect perforrated v-day cards complete with Cars, Transformers or Dinosaurs. Ugh Oh well... Isn't pinterest deadly? Love it!
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