Miss Syd has moved on to Cheerios. That saves us a little moola. A box of Cheerios is a lot cheaper than the smaller containers of those puff thingies.
Sydney is weaning. And I thought it was going to be this emotional disaster for me...and it probably will still be that...but she is biting. A LOT. And that my friends, makes weaning okay. Her teeth are coming in and her sleep, nursing, and mood are all impacted.
Knitting continues and I am finding I LOVE it. I remembered what I was doing last night at class. And I mastered "pearling" pretty quickly and found myself knitting in bed before sleep and was going back and forth between knitting and pearling. And here's the big thing...I dropped a stitch/ made a mistake and I fixed it! WOO HOO! I think that is the big thing you have to be able to do...fix your mistakes. The hat she chose for us to conquer in two class periods has all sorts of stitches so that we learn all these things...which is great, but it also means we didn't complete the hat like she planned. So we were sent home with homework and will meet again in March. In the mean time...I am going to get my homework done and then give a washcloth pattern my grandma used a try. I have her knitting needles. How cool is that!
My sister could have her baby today. Just sayin'.
I so wonder if Eli will have a brother or a sister. I just posted about the dynamic that a brother and sister family hold....but the incredible relationship that comes with brothers is amazing. I just wonder so much what she is having.
I bought these dove chocolate hearts to make those peanut butter kiss (Christmas cookies).... But I have nibbled most of the hearts up. So the cookies might not happen.
We got Henry a ski helmet and goggles. He has to take a lesson before he gets to keep the helmet and goggles. Lesson sign up ...happening this afternoon.
I tried a Zumba class this weekend. I want to take every single one of my friends to experience it. I sweat my bootie off and didn't even do half the moves. It was inspiring and hilarious and a great workout. Thanks Amy for encouraging me to tag along.
Ed has new work challenges that will impact my day to day life a bit this week. We'll survive and THRIVE.
Miss Syd is napping and I have to go get Henry in 15 minutes. I HATE waking her up. It is one of the hardest things a mama had to do. But, I savored every single minute of this last hour and a half...and she needed it even more.
I am kinda caught up on laundry and it isn't heaped on the couch at the moment...it is folded and in baskets all over our room. I am going to have the boys attempt to put their laundry away this evening. They. CAN. DO. THIS.
This morning I got to the gym for 45 minutes. Made eggs and bacon for me and the kiddos. Got the boys in the van for school without any tears or snapping. Dropped Henry off. Whipped into Target with Charley and Syd to grab a few groceries and get Charley's Valentines (more on that later). Dropped off Charley. Unloaded the groceries. Got Sydney down for a nap. Took a shower. And blogged. Is it 8pm yet?
Let's hear from you! Give ME a glimpse at what's going on in your life. What beverage would you order and what would you share. Miss you!

Let's have coffee sometime soon! I miss chatting with you!
I have almost the exact same day as yours. While Hannah was at preschool, I went to target, got Cooper down for a nap, used the treadmill, did a load of laundry and took a shower.
Over the weekend we also declared the playroom as cooper's playroom. It is nearly impossible to keep him out of his older sister's barbies, Polly pockets, etc. So they need to keep those toys in the basement or their bedrooms. We will see how long that lasts. I also put the gate up because I declared that army crawling on the kitchen floor (in front) of the basement door was not good for my sanity.
Hopefully this afternoon I have some Inspiration to make veggie muffins for the kids, but mostly Cooper. He is gettng better at eating food, so I have to get better at feeding him a variety of things.
Oh. And ps. Your kids can totally put their own laundry away. I make my girls do it every week. They grumble through every moment, but still. :)
You have had a crazy morning already!
Mollie is a great walker; she has been walking for 3 weeks already. She is getting so fast. She is very tiny so the doctor wanted me to get more food into her, that has been going great except that she doesn’t want to eat ‘baby food’ any more. She prefers table food :) Its hard to find enough foods for her to eat right now because she still doesn’t have any teeth! She is getting dedicated this weekend. Gavin starts baseball next week, he is in the level of kid pitch already. I love baseball because of the relationships we have made with the other parents, but really don’t like the time commitment. We need to find an activity for Anna; I think she would do great in dance or gymnastics. Just don’t have the time to get her to a program.
I used to knit! My favorite thing to make was baby booties. They make great baby shower gifts. I also made those funky scarves. I love that you are working out! Way to go! I think I might commit myself to a 5k in May… if I say it out loud like this it means I might have to go through with it! :)
sounds like you have your supermom glasses on today. Great job!
I would have just eaten the dove chocolate too, love the dark, that's why I can't buy them.
I have had a too much day, too much play and haven't accomplished much.
On single mom duty again tonight, makes no nap mean early to bed for my kiddo's.
I vote for buying another bag of chocolates and making those cookies! They look yummy!
I am so excited to hear the news of your sisters baby! Fun!
I am enjoying the last 2 weeks of just me and my 2 kiddos. Then- back to BABYLAND. And I'll be a MOM OF 3!!! It'll be a piece of cake--right Sarah?? AK
I'm with AK-enjoying life as it is now, but with just 1 child. 2nd on the way. can't wait to facetime you from the hospital in mid-push. HAHAHAHA totalllllly kidding. but maybe after the baby is out you can meet him/her virtually-history in the making!
If we were getting together this am-I would order a warm apple cider and tell you about all the texts going back and forth between myself and another pregnant friend that I am so excited for. I would probably monopolize the conversation with my physical pregnant woes and also tell you how i'm going out for dinner with my husband for his birthday tonight (but secretly hoping my water breaks on the way there!).
i love all the pics on your blog-keep them coming. i want to try zumba and i can't wait to see your knitting projects. Go DOODLE FIND for 10 min between Super-Mom successess today!! RR
ps-if my baby is born on valentines day i DO think that warrents a trial of a gluten free version of those cookies. YUM> RR
Yesterday, I'd have ordered a "spice tea" (otherwise known as Russian tea or a concoction of tea, spices, lemonade and tang--yes, the stuff the astronauts drank!) as that is warm and reminds me of home. I'd have chatted with you about how I really should be home to get my head on straight. If we'd have met just before midnight, I'd have shared that I took time (lots of it!) at home yesterday to get some sanity back by chalking off 15 little (and a few big!--like the 7 loads of laundry left to fold) half finished tasks that were bugging the heck out of me and sucking the energy and focus out of me. Once those things were taken care of, put away, accomplished and out of the way, I went to bed much more content and ready to tackle some bigger projects today. Whew!
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