Miss Syd is ALMOST 13 months.
Loves mama's phone.
Little Legos.
And avocado.
I swear she tries to say Henry.
She looks for them.
And naps when they are both away.
Like she knows it is good to nap when they are away so she doesn't miss when they are here.
At Christmas she was shy and clung to me.
On her birthday she went right to the Grandmas and Grandpas.
She plays at ECFE.
But still prefers to be close to mama.
She still wakes in the night and we are about to embark on the stopping nursing in the night thing.
She still sucks her two fingers and holds her arm up across her face for comfort.
She is starting to play with toys.
She loves to put things in and take things out.
She bops to music like a gifted keeper of the beat.
She loves doors and windows.
She crawls fast. Really fast.
She wakes up these mornings and spends some time with just daddy.
She is okay.
But as soon as mama appears then it is all about snuggling and whining and clinging.
frustrating. but also adoring.
She goes along for the ride to drop the boys off or pick them up.
She sits pretty good in the Target shopping cart...she is starting to try and spin around in the seat though.
She will talk loudly to the boys when she knows they are playing around but not near her.
She is learning the word no.
Playing peek a boo makes her smile.
Singing songs and dancing in front of her makes her giggle.
She knows what she wants and she will let you know what she thinks of you if you don't give it to her.
She makes her daddy and I pause and smile and watch her.
I think we are both taking her in and realizing how glad we are to have her.
How amazing the time has flown.
And how quickly she is becoming her own little person.
We love you Miss Syd.
We love you so much.

She is such a little sweety-pie and i know i would love her too! So glad you are fully enjoying her!
She is such a little sweety-pie and i know i would love her too! So glad you are fully enjoying her!
I love you too, little Sydney!
We love that sweet girl too! Can't believe she is 13 months already.
OMGosh! So stinkin cute and I love those little pants she has!! I'd love to know where you got them.
Yeah love the pants! Love the huge smiles w bright eyes in first few shots. Also I've seen the dancing and can't get over her little shoulder shake! Aunt rr
Target! The pants are from Target!
I love that noise she makes when she is super excited. So cute and funny!
Beautiful post, love the outfit, great photos! Scoop her up and give her a big hug from me!
She is such a cutie! I can't believe she is 13 months already. That happened way too fast!!
So sweet. So, very sweet.
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