I wanted to write and tell you how VERY VERY proud I am of you.
In the last two weeks you have become such a big boy. You have always been my "shy guy" and you have always been home with me. I knew that starting preschool, twice a week, would push you. And in many ways I thought about waiting. Did you really need two years...but thinking about your personality and your tendency to stay close to me in new situations...I knew in my heart that it would be good for you to fly a bit away from the nest for just a couple hours each week. I also knew that with Charley at school all day - this would give you a little special fun of your own.
Your first day started rough. You did not want to go. You did not want to get dressed, but daddy was home and helped you get this done. An old Star Wars shirt of Charley's that I dug out helped make this a little bit better. (And those of you who know me well, know that this killed me...it wasn't the cute first day of preschool outfit that I had laid out.) You did not want to pose for any pictures and I am so proud of myself for not pushing this. It made me so sad but I knew I had to let this go.
You did get yourself in the car and you let me buckle you in. Charley went to the neighbors that morning. So it was just daddy, mama, Sydney and YOU! You didn't cry on the way to school. You jumped out of the van just fine. But you refused to carry your backpack or flowers for your teacher. I needed to turn in some paperwork in the office so I coaxed you to take your backpack and the flowers for a moment so I could drop the papers off. Hehehe! Tricky mama was able to snap a few pictures of you at this very lucky moment.
We stood and waited with you and you were calm and quiet.
A friend offered to take a picture of us.
When it was time for you to go with your teacher you didn't want to go. The principal stepped in and picked you up and off you went-- a very unhappy boy. We were all very sad. I was also very mad. I wanted your teacher or your teacher helper to take you, I had spoken with them, we had a plan....not this stranger lady.
But upon entering your classroom you calmed down. And you were good.
When I picked you up you were all smiles. You took the flowers and M&Ms from me and brought them right over to your teacher. Without hesitation.
We went out for lunch with your little friend S. And the two of you were so excited and energized by your first day of school. It was really funny.
Some of the things you shared:
*You made a new friend and you called her "Dell" but her name was really Belle. You knew her locker was near yours. Her mom had dark black hair. And she had a penguin backpack. S knew she was a new friend too.
*You talked about Dell a lot all weekend.
*You said you played Duck Duck Goose and you had chocolate bear crackers for a snack.
*You liked your teacher. You went to the gym. You told me I could stay away longer so you could stay longer like Charley. You were excited to show me what was in your backpack.
*And you said, "I don't want that lady to ever pick my up and carry me ever again." And it was at that moment I once again was reminded to let life happen because it was probably a gift that a stranger took you away in that horrible moment and not your teacher who you now love. You still talk about that lady who carried you away crying and how you didn't like that. And so a blessing it ended up being. Kind of like when you go for shots at the doctor and they have the nurses do it so that you doesn't relate the shots to the actual doctor.
Since your first day you have had two more days of preschool. You have gone with a smile. You even hopped out of the car in the drop off car lane instead of being walked in. You have enjoyed each day and I just am so happy.
You are such a big boy and you have done what all others said you would do. You have done great and have surprised your mama and daddy. And you are not Charley. You are Henry and I love the little guy you have become. I can't wait to see where you fly next.
Love you, my preschool dude!
Your mama!

1 comment:
Not sure why this post just made me cry! :) Good job, mama! ---Way to write down these special moments.
I think it made me cry because it reminded me that my little Simeon is going to get big just like his big brother...but he will be his own sweet person...and like with my first, I will have to take baby steps towards letting him go. But tonight...I'm rocking him before bed still.
Man...I have baby fever!
yes...this is such a random comment. All that to say...good post! :)
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