Thursday, September 2, 2010

Bummer Bus Business...

Friends had insisted that Charley would get a bus ride home from school. We live really close to the school and so we are of course walkers. But 1/2 day kindergartners get a ride the one way when the rest of the school isn't walking at that time (no crossing guards etc). So morning kindergartners get a ride home. We found out yesterday that we live less than a 1/2 mile so we are full time walkers. Which is totally fine. But also very disappointing. Charley was looking forward to the bus ride and it would be the only chance he would have a bus ride to or from school because we do live so close.

For about 3 hours I was in a panic because I was counting on the bus to help in February to get Charley home from school without bundling up two being teeny tiny...and venturing out twice in the below zero temps. I had friends that had offered to help with pick up those first couple weeks of #3s arrival, but their children will be riding the bus so that changes all of that.

But having thought about it...we will survive.  Pick up will not be overwhelming like it could be if it were the end of the day with the entire school exiting the building. I will not HAVE to get out of the car to pick him up which means that we can get baby into the car in the garage and won't have to take him/ her out again until we get home. We will make some new friends and see about maybe some carpool opportunities.

And if anything it is one year of driving, if we lived a little farther we wouldn't get the bus after this year plus it would be dreadful to think of them walking. ...because we live so close I can foresee them walking with neighbor friends to and from school without my total involvement for much of their elementary years.    And that is going to be glorious and such an independence building time for them. And the walk to and from school will be a time to build communication these next couple of years between mother and son.

I love that we are walkers...I just really wanted the bus ride home this year for the month of February and March.

Charley was a wee bit disappointed but I think we have that solved.  We are going to get a bike lock and the kiddo is going to get to bike to and from school on the nice days!  Problem solved.  Not at all stressed about the transportation to and from school this year.  We are covered.  He is going to be able to tell his children about the days he hiked to school in below zero weather. 


Shell said...

That's a shame about the bus!

You have such a positive outlook on walking. I'm so paranoid and would probably be walking my child. I drop mine off in the mornings(because it's at the same time that I have to take middle to preschool) and he rides the bus home- and I wait outside for him to get off the bus! He told me I don't have to, that he can come inside by himself, but I'm still worried.

Anonymous said...

I hear you! We are going to have to walk Nora to school in the morning and the afternoon (all day kindergarten here) and I have to probably wake up the other 2 girls in the morning and for afternoon naps - arg. Not looking forward to that and bundling them up in the winter to drive that short distance, but I guess this too shall pass. Jamie Trampe


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