Guess what?
My sister had her baby.
And like Miss Sydney...
And like Miss Sydney...
I have had some tears...
They began as happy tears.
But then they turn to frustrated and disappointed tears because I want to be there.
So my tears turn into ugly cry.
At random times of the day.
Like in the car before picking up Charley from a birthday party.
And my children or husband look at me with their head tipped,
and ask me what's wrong and I probably look like this
Doesn't it look like she has paused and is saying,
"What? This is about me! And me not being there.
It isn't about the new gorgeous little BOY that has entered the world.
It is about the fact that I can't hold the baby or hug my sister.
I can't give Big Man Eli a high five and Papa Andy a slap on the back.
This ugly cry is about me."
So this is the "woe is me" pitty party.
This is the 'in a funk' and haven't felt like blogging or doing anything else tantrum that is going on over here.
This is the reality of living 6 hours away with three kids.
It is the reality that the "family" that my sister and her tribe has picked in this world...the fabulous friends, they get to meet baby before her "REAL" family meets him.
So this is my pitty party.
And I can cry if I want to.
But man alive, am I so happy for my sister and her Andy and big brother Eli.
They welcomed a little guy Hugh Robert into this world.
He entered just right.
Just. Right.
And boy did they deserve a Just. Right. birth.
And I can't wait to get my hands on him.
Congratulations Sister. You are amazing.

So happy for all of them, Hugh, Eli, Raina and Andy, such good news! Poor Syd, so fun that you captured those pictures of her frustrated crying, whatever it was about, and how you related it to yourself,Sarah, was right on, we all feel that way sometimes!
I can totally relate! I live away from all my family too.(Dan's family icluded) When something happens at home I find myself crying and throwing my own pity party too. I am going to just die when my siblings start having kids too. You are allowed to feel this way. But it is exciting. Congrats on a new family member
So happy for your sister and sad for you!
I feel like I could have wrote this post 5 years ago to the day....My nephew Hudson was born and I lived 12 + hours from him.
So excited for them, glad to hear it was without complications and that he is healthy! Glad for them, and I love the name :)
Oh Sarah, I have had so many of those moments.... and so many in the last year for sure! It will all be ok and you will get to see him soon! :~)
I'm sorry! :( Hang in there! Hope you can take a trip soon! Maybe you and Miss Syd can leave for the weekend...give the boys a guys weekend! :)
That does plain stink, but you will get there. Maybe next weekend? Patience is hard. I hate being far away from our family too.
So excited for your family. Excited for you to meet him! Wish I had a super safe private plane you could borrow. :(
I love this post. You put it together so well. Sorry you can't run right over and see her. Those pictures of Sydney are priceless. I know Raina will be calling/texting you all the time for advise about how to be a fantastic mama for two boys instead of one. She's so lucky to have you as a sister, a fried and a great mommy reference. JG
I do love all the shots of syd! So funny. I feel sad you couldn't make it. But now more than ever I understand will meet this little man in time. He will still seem/be tiny and cute. He's already looking forward to the cottage! Rr
Hugs and love. I am certain they understand.
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