The reality of coming home from a wonderful vacation can be somewhat a slap in the face.
-the kids are always out of sorts. Even though all week they played outside with nets, buckets, and their imagination...arriving home to their toys and routines throws them off.
-daddy returns to work and we all miss each other.
-the laundry is out of control. Seriously, five loads done and at least 5 more to go. EVERYthing has to be washed because it all has that damp cottage smell to it. Towels, sheets, clothing, blankets, sleeping bags, EVERYTHING.
-errands need to be run. Library books returned. Groceries need to be gotten.
-friends are like juicy carrots...we know they are right out there within our reach but the need for clean underwear and milk in our fridge keep them dangling a wee bit longer.
-it might be 5pm somewhere...but my mom isn't there to make one of those yummy margaritas. Or a beer at 2 just wouldn't be acceptable.
-the TV once again becomes something the boys beg for.
-the computer is once again right at our finger tips. good or bad? not sure all the time.
-Our shower, our beds, our kitchen pantry, clean feet, and just our family can be overwhelmingly perfect.
-And yet we miss all those that crammed in the cottage with us. The boat rides with Grandma and Grandpa at a moments notice. Fishing for hours. Reading books while the boys played. Late night penny poker or Headbanz games. Eli's busy demands "I want some" "catch fishies Aunt Sarah" "Eat Grandma Barb"
Reality slapped us in the face around 10pm on Saturday night when we walked in our door. And we are slowly feeling more like the cottage is a distant memory. BUT WAIT! Don't think I am not going to have pictures to share ALL WEEK. So stay tuned.
What does the return from vacation mean to you?

Coming home is always a mix of emotions. The relief of being home in a familiar setting, but yet the sadness of coming back to reality and all that that entails.
uggg reality is SO hard for me. eli transitioned well. i'm still working on it. we've got 4 loads of laundry done but we are only 3-not 5 and we didn't have any bedding-so i'd say you have a ways to go. loved every moment we all spent together. i can just hear henry's little voice trying to yell and get anyone's attention-mostly charley's. RR
Glad you had a good time. Getting back to reality and establishing the "norm" again is the toughest part of vacation ending. Looking forward to pictures!
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