Miss Sydney turned 6 months on July 23rd.
On July 31st she got her first taste of rice cereal.
We started there...even after I hinted at doing things different.
She didn't open up.
Most of it dribbled down her chin.
She was more happy holding her own spoon and getting it in her mouth all. by. herself.
Of course I am a little anxious that she isn't just opening up wonderfully...did we wait too long. Nah...I think it always takes a few tries for these little ones to figure it out.
Monday, August 1st, we tried some bananas.
That didn't go much better.
We'll try again today.
I dreaded this ...because it means she is growing up..and it is messy...and a little more work.
BUT with all those negatives...there are also the positivies...
the excitement of sitting one on one with her and seeing what each new taste will bring.
It means she is on her way to enjoying all the fun that eating brings to one's life.
It means that we get to know another aspect of Miss Sydney's personality.
Here we go...
Oh, and today we had her 6 month well check.
She weighed 16 pounds 1 oz. Which put her in the 47%.
She was 26.7 inches tall. Which put her in the 78%.
You go girl...
You grow girl!

Love it, and her!!!
we're just around the corner for starting solids too. sigh.... It all goes too fast.
WOW...such a big time in all your lives! Can't believe she is 6 months already! Hard to believe that she is only 6 lbs exactly heavier than Izzy and she is only 2 months old! Love the pictures..she is so so cute!!!
Love the funny faces! You need to give her a lemon! ROFLOL!
What a fun set of pictures! Love it, but must say I am a bit sad that our Sydney is already 6 months! She will be playing with Charley's toys before we know it.
The look of disgust couldn't be more perfect! Love it!
The look of "WTH are you doing to me?" is great...she's adorable!
Ha ha her face says it all!
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