2. Except both boys were up at 5:45 which really makes me have to paint a smile on my face. And Ed, I know he meant well, put on cartoons for them...so they have had their screen time by 7:15am...now what??? Daddy won't be home until at least 6...so we have about 12 hours of fun ahead of us.
3. I LOVE going in to see Miss Sydney when she is sleeping or waking up. She is always in a different position and location. She is making her way around her crib. We kept the bumper in for the boys so their lovely little nuks wouldn't fall out. We took it out for Miss Syddy Biddy. Often times we will find her...toes pointed...kicking the wooden crib slots. Love you Miss Syddy Biddy.
4. I have nabbed some blog time in the last couple days. However, Mount LaundryNeedstoBeFolded is getting out of control and needs to be climbed and conquered.
5. Charley cooked dinner on Wednesday night. Two new recipes. They turned out. I will share soon. I cooked dinner last night and made these two things: Maple Soy Salmon with Rice Cheese Treasures. I will make them both again..
6. Last night I signed my first born son for the fall season of flag football. I am feeling sick to my stomach that we won't have soccer games to attend this fall. I have loved the fall and spring soccer these last two years. But he is pumped to try flag football. So we registered last night...we'll see how it goes.
7. I got a babysitter this morning so Miss Sydney and I could go get a bang trim...that is the bummer deal with the short haircut. It is in need of help after 2 1/2 weeks. The boys will have a grand time with the sitter and I will have a splendid time running errands with just one. Eeek! what a treat!
8. Speaking of treats...I had hoped to bake with the boys this week. But yesterday was out of control with hot and busy times. So we'll see if we can fit it in today. Just something fun like a layered chocolate cake...just sounds like a fun challenge.
9. I am loving our summer so far. I don't feel over scheduled. We have had a nice balance of travel and home time. We are checking things off our summer bucket list. We have seen friends that we don't typically get to see and we are building some huge anticipation to see some friends that we normally see a lot. But I am still feeling like I have SO MANY things I want to do but the three kid thing has caught up with me.
10. Yesterday we went to a book party at the library and there was a drawing for a book. When we left we popped in to see if they had done the drawing. They hadn't and said we could hang out to watch since they were just about to do it. (It was the librarian and 4-5 teen helpers...no other parents or kiddos). As they shook the box with the entries I said, "You could pull Henry or Charley and that would be fun." The teen girl closed her eyes and reached in...and called out "CHARLEY!" The librarian quickly pulled the slip from the girl, she couldn't believe it, and said, "Is your phone number blah blah blah?" And I said, "Yep!" It was crazy! We couldn't believe it! So fun!
11. I have more to blog but I won't let myself sit down at the computer today until I have baked, packed, and cleaned up. So toodles! Enjoy this steamy scorching Friday!
Still hungry. Visit Ms. Danifred for more Friday Night Leftovers.

We are baking, packing and tidying up today too:)
Can't believe July 4th is right around the corner now, enjoy your travels!
I learned to lay out Mt. Laundry...so that way when I finally give in and realize it's not getting folded and put away anytime soon it at least doesn't turn into Mt. Wrinkles.
The things you learn as motherhood progresses. :)
Laundry...the thorn in my side...
I have great respect for you limiting the screen time, we are pretty good but if I had a baby too and was sleep deprived I know I would cave!
Happy 4th!!!
You guys definitely seem to be having a wonderful summer! I'm ready for a little travel time over here :)
Your summer sounds wonderful. I love reading about Miss Sydney - she and Pj are such a fun age (not that all ages aren't fun).
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