Fishing...we will not cross this of our bucket list just yet...because we know come the end of July we will do some serious catching and releasing up north. But the mama who watches her boys grow each summer...I will savor these moments where my dad helps throw in their line...with me anxiously throwing my two cents in at all times.
Stop - photoshoot time! My boys!
Skip's for dinner...done. But will remember those yummy hotdogs and large baskets of fries fondly...and maybe we will slip in one more time before we leave for ice cream.
OH! Have I told you that Sydney is mastering the exosaucer. This is her at home...but we are lucky to have borrowed one from Jaime while we are here...thank you! So she is busy mastering getting herself turned in circles here at my moms.
*Consignment stop
*birthday party dinner for cousin Eli
*Sydney meets Aunt Pat and "aunt" Emma
*Yummy lunch

Looks like you're having a wonderful trip! Cannot belive Miss Sydney is already old enough to sit and spin like that!
Love all the pictures! Looks like you have had so much fun already! Love it! Loving my time at home too! :) Already going by too quickly.
She totally cracks me up with those cute little fingers of hers!
Have so many thoughts as I sit here and grin at all the pictures and updates---BUT the most prominent one is *WAIT***When did Ms. Sydney get big enough to be in an exersaucer!?!?!?!?! Time does fly....
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