I want to clarify that our list does not involve a bucket. I am not the kind of mom who can throw all the ideas in a bucket and let my child draw one out in the morning. I am not able to just go with that kind of chaos. I am in awe of any mom who is. WOW! To have your child pull tye-dye shirts and then to just whip out that activity...or to have your child pull out some grand outing and just hop in the good old minivan and go...yeah, that is not me. I like to have some control over the BIG fun that we have...when we will do it, when my mood fits, when we can have fun friends join us...I like to know the night before what the next day will look like...somewhat.
I would like to have a jar filled with some of the toys, games, activities that my boys could manage to do independently when they are lacking inspiration. So we'll see. I do have the goal to put a link up top with some of our at home fun that we enjoy this summer.
Here are the items on our bucket list. It hangs on a door in our house...it stretches from the top to the bottom. Again, this is a bigger ticket items. Some of them will be challenges and many will be accomplished when we are on our summer road trips.
1. Go to the cottage
2. Go to Grandma Barb and Grandpa Bob's
3. Go to Grandma Charlie and Grandpa Ed's
4. Go to the beach
5. See fireworks
6. Go camping
7. Go fishing
8. Zoo
9. Children's Museum
10. parade
11. sprinkler parks ( 1 2 )
12. Mall of America
13. Bonfire w/ s'mores
14. make rainbow pudding pops
15. go out for ice cream
16. Library adventures (visit 5 libraries 1 2 3 4 5 )
17. Pick strawberries
18. Pick blueberries
19. Make pickles
20. Go to Lake Superior
21. picnic dinner
22. picnic lunch
23. feed the fish at pond
24. walk to the coffee shop
25. water guns
26. Have lunch with daddy
27. Charley bakes on his own
28. Baseball on a field
29. Tennis on a court
30. Cent. Lakes
31. Lightrail to Min. falls for picnic
32. Celebrate mom's birthday
34. Eat breakfast at picnic table
35. Have friends for waffles
36. Richard. Nature Center
37. Water balloons
38. See Cars Race
39. See Great Grandpa and Great Grandma
40. Ice Cream in Bayfield
41. Lunch at Skips
42. Ride on a boat
43. Sign up for Reading program at library
44. Hike at Cl. Lake
45. Community LT pool
46. Movie
47. Farmer's market
48. Candy shop
49. Send postcards (1 2 3 4 5)
50. Find a treasure at a garage sale

I'd like to sign myself up for #35.
Kim :)
I was just telling Cory about your list...telling him so we should do the same so the days don't slip by us too fast.
Looks like fun! I look forward to seeing how you check them off.
Hmmm...I'd like to sign up for #40. :) This is a great idea, Sarah. I might have to have a little sit-down with Austin since I'm home all summer with both boys!
so this makes me want to make a list like this for our family..but ours would/will have a twist...mom and dad always get to pick from the list. help from the kids will only be accepted when decided between a few of them. many of these are inexpensive, non-messy ideas that i think we could modify and do ourselves, too. FUN idea! will help to make the weeks more FUN and less whiney etc.
This is on my To Do List and I just can't seem to find time to do it! Maybe I should work on it instead of reading blogs?!
i would like to be the recipient of #49 as well as partake in #37 at the cottage. we'll see what happens but what a FUN FUN list. no chores on there...learn to vacuum or sweep the deck!? RR
Fun list, was wondering if you would post yours when you finished it. I still have to print ours off our blog or I am thinking I will have Hayden write it out. Something fun to do and also let him practice his writing.
I almost put celebrate Maddy's 3rd birthday. But then decided that was something we do regardless. So we tried to stick to just things we could do, like go to amusement park, to give us ideas for everyday use.
like #50, I love to go to garage sales, might have to have that as an activity this summer.
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