Friday, September 17, 2010

Grace in Small Things

1. A friend who took my two BOYS so I could get my girl thing on and get my hair cut. I so appreciated being able to enjoy the shampoo and head massage. I wasn't looking out of the corner of my eye or getting glared at ...even though my boys are really very good at places like that. Thank you friend!

2. I have a really good friend that is pregnant! I haven't known her pregnant or with infant. I can't wait to share our third child journey together...they will be under three months apart...I think! I can't wait until more people know the exciting news!

3. Peanuts and candy corn mixed together...'nuf said.

4. Knowing that I am happily through the first half of this pregnancy (the first chunk took it's time). But I can see this second half is going to fly by. As of today I am now 22 weeks. They moved my due date up! I want this half to slow down because I want to enjoy every kick and moment of anticipation. And I don't want the snow and holidays here just yet.

5. Our first full week of Kindergarten has been good. My big moment this week was standing back outside of the school and watching him walk in all by himself amongst the "herd". I have raised him to fly and he is soaring!


Shell said...

So glad to hear that kindergarten is going well!

Danifred said...

Horray for kindergarten. Oddly, I don't like to eat candy corn, but I always buy some because I think it's pretty.


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