I used to teach fourth grade.
I used to teach first grade.
I will admit that the start of the school year brought excitement with meeting the new group of students that would become very important little beings in my life. But also with the start of the year came the anxiety of meeting, connecting, and figuring out the parents and family dynamics involved in these little children's lives. As an educator I would strive to work with the parents to make the year succesful. To do this I took every meeting a chance to gain insight.
So today I woke up and looked at my calendar and saw swim lessons and Charley's Kindergarten Meet/ testing thing. A friend even emailed and asked if Charley would be at the kindergarten thing tonight. However, last week when I realized that Ed would be working late I invited my friend over for dinner after swimming...since she also tortures herself by getting in the cold pool all in the name of love for her 1 1/2 year old.
So we came up with this great plan that she would whip through Mc Donalds and get happy meals for all the kids and I would run to Chipotle and get mama food - our favorite and we would meet at my house to hang out for the last hour of our day with the kiddos.
So for the entire day she and I dreamed of our Chipotle dinner....
Meanwhile...what slipped my mind....Charley's first Kindergarten obligation!
While taking part in the exciting toddler swimming lesson (that Henry fussed most of the way through) I glanced at the clock (4:50) and realized only 30 minutes until Chipotle! And then...I realized that Charley was to report to the kindergarten thing in 10 minutes.
I dragged Henry out of the pool.
Yanked Charley abruptly from his class.
Called to my friend that she would still get her Chipotle - just a little later and delivered to her front door.
And off we went.
Without bra.
Hair resembling a drowned rat.
Clothes sticking to me because I didn't dry myself very well.
I rushed the boys out the door and by 5:10 we were walking through the doors of the school.
After some scrambling, since there wasn't a cotten pickin sign out telling us new parents where to go, a nice mom helped me figure out where Charley should be. Of course his group had started the computer testing, even after calling last week to tell them he would be 15 minutes late (Not because I value swim lessons over school - but because the boys have already missed a few lessons and I wasn't about to waste more money on unattended lessons). So I greeted the principal who was giving the instructions to the wide eyed soon to be Kindergarteners, told Charley good luck and that I would pick him up later.
Then I ran into a fellow friend who was wearing an adorable pink rain coat, with hair that was done so adorably, and make up...and maybe lipgloss! I caught a glimpse of myself as I left the building...and let's just say that the first impression - if anyone was paying attention - was not one that I am proud of.
Henry and I then ran to Chipotle. Stopped and got a happy meal at Mc Donalds. Ran to my friends and gabbed and gobbled. Then went and picked up Charley. Yes, I was there early (6:45 - can I redeem myself?). Charley greeted me with a huge smile and the teacher said he was so full of smiles and did great. Proud mama made another run to McDonalds for another happy meal....and by 8:07 both boys are quiet and in bed. AHHHHHH!
So my son is kicking off his Kindergarten experience with a mom who should know better - who has insight in the besides the scenes goings on - who is very aware now that being a parent of a school age child is tough - lots to juggle. And I will do what I do, the best I can, and with tears in my eyes, I know that he will be okay next year in kindergarten...it is me who just might not survive!
My boy is going to kindergarten...and that means I better get my act together.
During all of this I called my mom and laughed and cried with her about my unorganized evening. Thinking of how I watched Charley on the sidelines of his soccer game on Saturday I think now...what it must be like to be a parent and watch your child parent...now that has to be something to watch!
Oh! And the Chiptole Rocked!

You're just out of the routine. That's all. You'll totally get back into the flow of things!
It happens. You will find a balance that works. You may have been a teacher for years, but remember this is your first time being a parent to a child in Kindergarten.
The post paints quite a picture. Impressive that you got there that fast.
I think we all have moments in time when things seem to fall apart at the seams. Then, before we know it, we're back to smooth sailing. We've all been. This is not an easy life we lead!
Oh, that so sounds like me. And I think I'm harder on myself b/c of being a former teacher!
Oh, this is sooo normal! I am constantly running around like that. That brings back memories of when my oldest started kindergarten. Things will smooth out and it will become routine. :)
Sounds like a lot for one night, Mama!!!! I often have to write out schedules for myself on days like that...scheduling everything...e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g!
You're completely normal...just like me (as if that's a compliment...haha)!
haha love the drowned rat description and the no bra! hahahaha. so funny. did Henry cooperate? Did Ed shake his head at you?!?!? Go mamma go! Charley will do great. RR
You and I would not be a good combo!! I frequently remember things at the last minute and then end up dragging a kid wearing pajamas into a preschool parent coffee or somewhere else I was supposed to be. At least you got the Chipotle!
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