Sunday, February 7, 2010

Grace in Small Things # 47 - My day of Bliss

I decided to go for the day to Craft for a Cause and enjoyed every second. I spent a lot of time puttering around on my computer, some time finding things to do with the boys, I filled out some birthday cards, organized my planner, and just enjoyed the company of friends. And the best part - I have all day today to enjoy with the family. Today I am thankful for....

1. A husband who can hold down the fort when I am away for the day. They didn't just survive - the thrived. I returned home to one boy in bed and the other very close to dream time. Ed was calm, cool, and collected and the house was not a wreck.

2. Time with friends - new and old.

3. Yummy snacks and meals!

4. Time to putter with things that I always want time for but have a hard time working into my days.

5. The encouragement I got from friends to take time for myself. It is so good to do! Thanks gals!

P.S. Go here for more gals finding their own Bliss.


patty said...

i love the quote under your banner! :)

you have wonderful things to be thankful for!

thanks for blog-hopping with us-hope you have fun! :)

Hattie said...

Sounds like a great time! I like your #1!!! Everytime I leave the boys with their dad alone something always goes wrong!

Sarah said...

I, too, completely appreciate the fact that my husband can "hold down the fort" when I am away. In fact, I dare say he manages better than I do most of the time. The house is clean, the kitchen smells like bleach, the kids are asleep and he is enjoying a cocktail and ready with a smile when I walk in the door.

I did not realize how lucky I was until I was finally able to gaze into the lives of some other moms I know. Let's just say they are a little more hesitant to leave the house--whether for their own reasons or due to their spouses'.


Anonymous said...

Hi there,

I'm also visiting via Patty's blog-hop, and I love the quote that you have at the top of the page. A very timely reminder.


Just in Case said...

I love your quote at the top of your blog!


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