Thursday, November 12, 2009

Let's just imagine...

You are a mom of ...well at least one child... which means you are constantly thinking about someone else...their sleeping, their eating, their entertainment. As you wander the house during the day you bend down numerous times to pick up toys, often the same exact toy that you picked up 10 minutes ago - and you often wonder why you even attempt. In your ear you hear, "Mama...Mama....MAAAma!" All day long. If you are in my house you hear, "Mama, do you know what?" millions of times a day.

But imagine if you had a day (JUST A DAY - because they are your life!) to have the house all to yourself. Imagine if you had two evenings to occupy yourself without the bedtime routine and the feed the whole family deal (which I do love but day after day it can get exhausting). What if you could wake up when you wanted to? Play your music! Watch what you wanted or have silence!

Wouldn't it be overwhelming! I have experienced this...once or twice...maybe three times - and though it is a gift it also is so overwhelming that it is hard to enjoy. A friend said, when she thinks of things she would do if she had the time she writes them down. Then when she gets a moment she knows where to look. So what would you do...with a day, an evening...a WEEKEND!


Heather (One Take On Life) said...

I would blog (as I love it), read a book, do some fun window shopping, watch tv, take a walk, and of course miss my familY:) Have fun this weekend, I will keep my fingers crossed.

Anonymous said...

Hmm...if I had a whole weekend and an umlimited budget, my list would be long! Shopping, lunch out, exercise, and a good bottle of wine for dinner. :)

Anonymous said...

if money was not an issue...i would likely just relax in front of a fire with wine in my hand (postpregnancy), snuggling with jason. i would eat ice cream, go for a walk, take rylee to the dog park, start a blog, print out some pictures, bake something new, and maybe just nap!

The Gardiner Family said...

I would finish any house hold chores (quickly!) Since no one would be home to mess it up, it will stay that way for the next two days. I would then workout, rent movies that I liked and orgainize my flash drive of photos. To me that is relaxing!

Enjoy your time! You deserve some me time! You will be so refreshed come Monday!

Sarah Wroblewski said...
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For the Love of Naps - Sarah said...

Charley came down with a fever yesterday evening. But it seemed to break by 10 with no medicine and he woke up this morning full of energy with no fever. We'll see how he does today before any more imagining....I think I jinxed myself. darn!


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