So yesterday, Molly and the girls journeyed our way for the day/night. The kids played and we caught up. By 4pm we decided it was time for a cool glass of wine. So as the children played we sat in the sun sipping some wine and gabbing - ahh so good for the soul.
Girlfriends + wine = makes for some great conversations.
As the neighbor worked hard in his yard, we sat and sipped wine and watched our little miracles play and chat. We didn't know it but they were also having deep conversations about being meat eaters vs. vegetarians! McKenna and Charley are kindred spirits and they enjoy each other immensely. To hear their little minds working is hilarious. They went out to get the mail together and once again I saw the future.
Not that I would ever push anything. I just think it is funny when there are moments that could be so real. Like here when we met Mallory for the first time and we found them huddled with their baby.
They have a dog, Abby. And she is an amazing dog. Of all the dogs in Henry's life - Abby is the one that he independently enjoys. He followed Abby around, petted her, and found delight in watching every move that Abby made. We think he even said Abby during their visit.
Molly is my natural friend. Her girls are naturally adorable. Molly is naturally herself and when I see them in my heart they are all dressed in soft natural colors. Molly holds many things close to her heart and I am lucky that she takes time to let us share their company. You gals are invited here anytime! Let's do it again soon.
How fun & special! Next time let Charley and McKenna borrow the camera and take a couple of photos of their moms being friends. Such deep conversations for little souls...
If Charley gets McKenna, then Tommy gets Mallory. :) I'll have a girl someday for Henry. Perfect!
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