Saturday, July 25, 2009

Will I survive...

Will I survive without my trusty companion. Ed has his doubts.

I am almost positive that I won't have Internet least not on a moment to moment basis like usual for the next few days. Yes, this will cause me some distress.....but hopefully my boys will keep me insanely busy, cocktails with my mom and sister, snuggling with Eli, chatter with old friends, and the calm of the north woods (I know not as far north as Ed's hometown - but always my up north) will keep me from going into blogging withdrawal. I do plan to blog offline during the week and post as soon as I work out a connection.

I asked my brother if he remembered having Internet access up there last year. He said he didn't think so...and it was a good thing. Hmmm...probably a good thing for people who might get sucked into working on vacation. However, my Internet access isn't for is like having my journal and pen along.

On another note....Henry had trouble falling asleep tonight. We finally got him to sleep and an hour later we heard him shouting. Ed went up to find him standing and talking about something. He did go back to bed but the whole while I was thinking...what are the next few nights going to be like. So we came back downstairs to start up the movie again and I said, "Should be an interesting week ahead of me." and then I laughed. Ed said, "It isn't funny. I wouldn't do it." I asked, "Do what?" He then said, "Take those two up there by myself."

HA! HA! HA! ...then I sat there for the next 20 minutes freaking out inside my head wondering if I was completely insane for doing this alone. This year is different because both boys will be on the move and will need to be supervised at all times....being so close to the water. But then I also know that we will be surrounded by wonderful family and friends who will help me out. Charley is going to have a fun playmate this year for the whole week. And we will survive. I am very proud that I travel with my boys on my own. I love that I can do it. It is a lot more work than being home. It would be easiest to just stay home. But tonight, when I asked Charley about the cottage he remembered the restaurant on the lake that we can boat to. He remembered paddle boat rides, fishing with Grandpa, jumping off the dock, taking showers, and the little green room. He remembers the Kendricks (and even used "the Kendricks" in a conversation he initiated last week), he of course remembers Paul, and he knows it is my favorite place to be.

I know there will be moments in the next week that I will contemplate packing up and speeding home to a clean house, space, routine, and Ed. (and without my friend Colleen to have my secret breakdown with....) But those moments will pass, the sun will pop out, a loon will appear, the wind will change, and Ed will arrive to find us sandy, tired, sun-kissed, and happy. There is always more worries anticipated and it usually is just a fun filled week and our worries were not needed. So relax little sister - it will be a great week with your burrito. It all works itself out. Let's remind each other to take a deep breath and go with the flow. I am going with the phrase..."It's always 5 O'clock at the cabin" - margarita anyone.

Happy Monday folks!


Anonymous said...

awesome blog sarah! see you in like 8 hours-when all our worries can be put aside becuase we ARE in our favorite place to be with our little ones-if mom and dad can do it-heck we can too!!!!!! cheers! love, raina

Peggy, Jason and Lily said...

you two are GREAT sisters!! i think it's cute how you both take care of one another.
have fun this week...and if you check this--there is a library in phelps with internet access-FYI!...also free WI-FI at many eagle river places!
sit on the dock, close your eyes and smile into the sunshine!!

The Gardiner Family said...

Thinking of you and hoping your family is having a great time! I know you are!


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