Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Mama scores a hole in one!

Today I hit up a garage sale and what should be sitting at the end of the driveway...a set of REAL children's golf clubs. Charley has the plastic ones...we were looking to get him some real ones. So I asked..."are these for right or left handed people." It was starting to drizzle, but when my friend, now my best friend, said left handed, I SWEAR the clouds parted and there was a beam of light shining down on me. I called Ed...confirmed that this was fate and bought them. Tonight we presented them to Charley and he was so excited. We explained that these weren't a toy but rather REAL ones for going with Daddy! It is still raining so the three boys, yes all three, got them out in the middle of our living room. Ed turned a cup on it's side and they practiced putting. I sat nervous, waiting for one of them to take too big of a swing. Henry was intrigued, Charley was in bliss, and Ed kept touching the bag and clubs and smiling - impressed with the deal I found and maybe seeing his future golf partners! During the least once...Charley came up to me and said, "Mama, I love you. And I love that you got me these clubs." My heart was happy.

When Ed announced to Charley that it was time for bed, Charley responded with:

"okay, dad, you can go up. I am just going to put this stuff to bed with a kiss and hug and then I will be up. you go ahead up."

So up went Ed. I meanwhile, watched from the corner of my eye to see what Chuck was about to do. The clubs came in a nice golf bag that stands upright. It also has straps for Charley to sling it onto his back. And that is exactly what Charley did! No problems. He headed out towards the guest bedroom where he was told to store the clubs for the night. Said goodnight and headed upstairs.

I headed up later to say goodnight to my little Tiger Woods. He informed me, in his most serious voice, "Mama, I put my clubs to sleep in the guest room. I turned off the lights so they can sleep. You should not go in that room ever!"

Today was a hole in one in my book.



Barb said...

What a happy family situation tonight! Doesn't it just put this little grin on your face that doesn't go away? "Fore"

Anonymous said...

FUN!>...please post a picture of the clubs. Raina

Anonymous said...

THey look perfect!


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