Friday, January 30, 2009

What day is it?

On Friday mornings we announce....
It's Friday! And all day I remind Charley and ask him... What does that mean? He responds with a huge smile on his face - Daddy will be home tomorrow! It is the day that we recognize each week because it means Daddy gets to play all day tomorrow. It means daddy can come home, have a beer, stay up late, sleep in just a wee little bit, hang out in the morning in his pjs playing star wars with Charley, get some cuddle time in with Henry...wear his jeans (new ones that I love) and just be home. So tonight we will just be home --- simple, maybe not exciting, but it is Friday! And tomorrow Daddy is home and gets to play with us all day!

The song playing will only be on here for 24 hours. Just not too bloggy but my sister sent me a workout cd and threw this one on there as a cool down. LOVE THE CD RAINA!

Here is our day in was a pretty good one..given that the three kiddos were all bouncing back and probaby not quite 100%.

Rian was back today. Everyone was feeling better so we made orange smoothie shakes. Yum!

Henry is keeping up with the big more ways than 1. He is reaching new heights!

After lunch Henry needed a bath. He had too much food in his hair. UGH!


Sarah, Steve, Braden and Olivia said...

I love Fridays too... even though this is the last one I'll spend at home until April 10th. :(

Barb said...

Yes, Fridays are great! Cool song Raina. Rian is in pjs but the boys aren't. Is Henry coloring yet?


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