Thursday, December 11, 2008

Taking time....

This time of the year is so overwhelming for most people. Shopping, baking, wrapping, cards, social events, kids are excited, travel...and more. Plus the normal bills to pay, activities, meals to cook, etc. If you have talked with me or hung out with me you know I am having a hard time with the idea of Henry turning one. I have been going through pictures and found these two of Charley on his birthday! There is some Charley in Henry.

Anyways, something that helps me not let some of those emotions get to me or the holiday craziness take over my sanity is taking time to appreicate the little things during the the big having a healthy baby boy turning one or not having my Christmas shopping done... etc don't get in the way of the true cozy time this time of year brings.

So today here are my little things I far...

1. A smooth morning with the boys waking and eating breakfast without tantrums.

2. An awesome playgroup that meets regularly. We sit, drink diet coke, and chat about anything and everything while the kids play in the background.

3. Neighbor girls who can run over and watch the boys at the drop of a hat. How lucky are we!

4. Emails from my mom and sister and other friends during the day. Being home all day can make you feel very isolated and the internet helps me feel connected to the outside world and other adults. I appreciate the emails during the day. They make me smile.

5. Frozen meals from my meal group. How scrumptious is it to just pull out a pan of something yummy from the freezer, know it is thawing all day, pop it in the oven and enjoy with my family without making a mess of the kitchen. My sanity is saved 3 times a month because of this (actually more because the meal I make for them I make a few for us!). Thank you Sarah for encouraging me to start this with local friends.

So step back when your heart is racing or you are beginning to snap at your husband or kids because the stress of the holiday is getting to you. Think about what is good and what is done. And can be late, wrapping doesn't have to be perfect, cookies could be store bought (mine won't be but...they could) and taking time to sit with three good friends for a bit and chatting about this and that can bring you peace.
Or lick the salt off a pretzel and feel the salty joy...haha that is to make you smile Raina!

1 comment:

The Gardiner Family said...

Love that you said Cards can be late....I never got around to them last year, and I am not sure they will be on time this year (I am still telling myself I am going to send them!)


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