Wednesday, November 5, 2008


I signed up for another session of lap swimming. It isn't so much that I love is just good for me and paying for the sessions holds me accountable for going. I enjoy my time there but it is hard to go out in the cold and get in the cold pool. I have been blessed with very mild evening temps so far. Tonight at dinner I said to Charley..."Oh man, I have my swimming lessons tonight (lap swimming)." Charley said, "Are you excited mama?" I said, "No, I just want to stay home with you." He said, "Mama, you should be excited. It is okay, I will see you in the morning. But you can't leave until Daddy gets home, right?"

So I went. My brother gave me a workout to follow instead of just swimming and trying to keep track of my laps. So much better. Heart rate up. I felt like I was accomplishing something. Arms hurt. Legs hurt. Goodnight!

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