Sunday, November 16, 2008

Our Weekend

So last night the boys went over to our friends house and they had a great time. Ed and I got to have a little date and we had an even better time. We didn't really have a plan when we dropped them off but I was dressed for the date. I had on my boots...that I haven't worn for 2 years...I got the xmas before I got prego with Henry. Charley told me that I looked "funny. You look like an elf mama." Haha! I didn't fall though...being out of practice. We were on our way to a favorite restaurant but another restaurant caught our eye, we knew it would be alot more fancy but we were anxious to start enjoying the night. We had a delicious dinner, took our time ordering, talked a bit before even deciding on drinks. Ed had a fun martini and I had a wine fun! Dinner was delicious and we ended it splitting some turtle cheesecake. Good conversation...and no tears. The last few times we have gone out I have embarassed Ed by tearing up about something, not a bad cry, but a cry to say the least...and you know men and tears. But he is a gentle man and deals well with my emotions. Picking up the boys was fun. Both were happy, well fed, and didn't want to leave. Lynelle said she had never heard Henry talk so fun! Thank you and let's do the couple date soon!

Today we had a lazy morning around the house. I tried a new breakfast pizza recipe. Then Charley and I headed out to see the Madagascar 2 movie. Whenever I go to a movie with Charely I get emotional. I don't know if it is because I rarely go to movies, or because he is just so excited, or if it is that he looks so little sitting in the big chair with the big bag of popcorn, or if it is the comments he makes during the is probably the fact that he is growing up and doing things that we both really enjoy like a movie. And this is our now and not our future any longer. He can do things like play games, appreciate a fun restuarant, help around the house, and go to movies...he is growing up.

The movie was awesome. I loved it! I would recommend it to anyone. I even told Ed if he wanted to escape I know he would enjoy it and Charley would be entertained by it again.

The day will end with hopefully a win by the Packers while Charley naps! YES he iss napping today! A perfect Sunday.

1 comment:

April said...

I can't wait to take the kids to see Madagascar 2 also. Glad it was good! We went out on Friday night for a date also. We don't get to do it too often, we enjoyed it too!


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