Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Our Hat Shop

Some people dread rainy days...but I actually find them cozy. They are an excuse to stay cooped up in the house and do something that you don't normally do. This morning while it poured rain outside...Henry napped well...since it was darker in his room and just had that nappy atmosphere. Charley gave me 10 minutes to set up shop. I did a quick hunt around the house trying to find all the hats I could find. I turned our guest room into a hat shop. Charley was given some play money and could shop until the money was gone. With each purchase he went out of the room put it on and then came back to show me. I then took a picture. He had a blast and I enjoyed it. I think it will be my turn to shop next...I am not really a hat person. Maybe the guest room will be converted into a shoe shop next...more my thing!


Sarah, Steve, Braden and Olivia said...

I LOVE the hats and wish I was there to try them on. You think of the greatest things Sarah and Charley is so fun. Braden wouldn't go for something like that - maybe Olivia will be my up for anything gal!

Barb said...

So what is for dinner anyway? We're having chili and fresh fruit salad. It's raining here too. Love your blogs.


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