Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Happy Birthday, Henry!

 This kiddo turned 7 on Sunday. 
He is growing up way too fast.  Makes me sad to think I can't even remember when he was that 4 month old chunk of 20 pounds.  Now he is skin and bones and we can't seem to find foods that he likes.  
He still looks so proudly at his brother and craves time playing with him. 
He is a loving big brother to Sydney and gives her such special attention...and some pesty attention. 

He has done everything in life at his own pace.  And starting school this year with no anxiety proved that all the choices we have made have been "just right" for our Henry. 
This year he is learning to read ..at his own pace.
 Becoming more independent at the ski hill...at his own pace.
Making friends at school....at his own pace.
Falling asleep at night.....at his own pace.  Sigh.

Last year he had a friend party.  This year he had family birthday.
So he kicked it off Friday night going to the new Hobbit movie with Charley and dad.
Ed has read the Hobbit to the boys, they play the video game, they have slowly watched the first two movies.  They loved it. 
Saturday we went out for pizza at lunch. His favorite.  Then we went bowling and to the arcade.
Sunday he woke up and had donuts and opened presents and had a lazy day.   Finishing the day with some alfredo and a cake.   We ended the evening all snuggled up watching Dolphin Tale 2.  

Things he got this year for his birthday were lego sets, minecraft guys, a wobble board, remote control spider, iTunes cards, and more. 

Life is good for this guy named Henry.

1 comment:

Barb said...

Very special! Love that guy and know his birthday is BIG, but hard coming right after Christmas. Love, Grandma Barb


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