Tuesday, December 2, 2014

in the quiet.

Sitting here in the quiet watching a snow globe snowfall happening out my front window.  
My heart is heavy and my mind is going a mile a minute thinking about this amazing lady in my life  whose world deserves to be as peaceful and content as a little snow globe world.  But her snow globe of a world is a bit shook up and I am just praying that this most peaceful snowfall happening at this very moment is a glimmer of hope that today she will find peace in the answers she is going to get.  

She deserves so much grace for the last couple years of her life.  But she is one of the strongest women I know.  She gives too much of herself and expects nothing in return.   Mending all these little things in our lives and taking us all and being the thread that stitches us all together.  Ms. Grandma Charlie, you are loved by so many.  And we are all thinking, praying, and hoping that you know how loved and supported you are.  It is time for us to show you, because you have set the bar high with all that you have done for us.  Time to put yourself first and worry less.  Let us do the worrying, the hosting, the baking, and mending.  Breathe there amazing lady.  You are loved.    

1 comment:

Barb said...

YES! A great post Sarah. I remember at your wedding reception when the song Pretty Woman played, I grabbed Charlie's hand said "let's dance, we are pretty women tonight!"


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