Friday, July 11, 2014

I ran for my wallet

4:45pm and this comes rolling down our cup de sac.  
I think I ran for my wallet before my kids could comprehend what was headed their way.  

I didn't look at my watch but was irked after when I realized this song playing truck was driving around at 5pm.  Whaaaat?????

But this doesn't happen, EVER.  I grew up with an ice cream truck, but a cute one that was square and least that is what I remember.  I had always dreamed that I would be a teacher all school year and drive an ice cream truck during the summer.  

Now a days, the ice cream trucks are creepy white vans with no windows.  Ick.  

The kids each picked a treat (and so did I).  
Syd's ended up in a melted pile on our front stoop.  I think there is still a mark. 

Summer is cruising along here and I am paddling hard to keep up with all that I want to not have mom guilt about.  I feel like every morning I wake up wanting to do better at the one thing that kept me awake the night before....meal planning, getting the kids reading, house stuff, photography business, exercise, math fact practice, decluttering, and the list goes on.  But then the day starts trucking along and I realize that these summer days are passing so quickly and we are doing just fine eating pasta a bit to often, I will exercise again, the kids ARE reading just not as routinely, the house will be perfectly clean someday when there aren't three busy littles to attend to...and maybe someday it won't.  ha!  

Life is good.  I think the important thing is....I RAN for my wallet when that song singing truck turned our corner.  It's summer.  

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