Henry's chart is not a picture chart, I had planned it to have picture clues, but never got around to it and he didn't seem to need it. Their jobs are so routine that they know what they are. He also idolizes his brother and isn't far behind Charley's morning business. I also realized that with Henry, I am not thinking of him as NEEDING a chore chart or allowance just yet. He just gets to have one because he has an older brother. Meaning, when Charley was 4 there were no chore charts even being thought about. Star Wars wasn't a choice either. But second children are different. So he has a chore chart and I LOVE how they motivate each other. But I don't get on Henry if he isn't doing his things as much as I get on Charley.
I have been working out for three weeks and have made it to the gym 5 days each week. Kinda proud of that. During the week my workout time is 5:30am. During the weekend it is mid-day. I am also proud of this, because getting up in the morning to go takes a little effort. Ed is so supportive and this week two of the mornings when I arrived home only Sydney was up. Coming into the quiet house, awake and happy to have accomplished that...changes my whole mindset.
Ed had a nice birthday. He got his french silk pie. The boys got a box of sugar cereal from us for their Valentine's day. It included a Star Wars pen in the box. We aren't buying sugar cereal much anymore. Cereal is rarely our breakfast food anyways. So it was a treat for them.
Syd is pretty much weaned. I had hoped to go longer with her. As my last I am kinda depressed that this season will be over. But Ed and I have a trip coming up and knowing that she can live without me...and not go 4 days without me (like in October) makes me actually really excited for the getaway. (Business trip for Ed - wives are invited).
Since weaning her of most feedings she has started sleeping through the night. Well, actually she sleeps and wakes once and cries and fusses and Ed goes in and lays her down, because she is sitting or standing, and she goes right back to sleep.
That clock that we got Henry is finally working. The clock itself has always worked. But the point was that the boys would stay in bed until a certain time and most mornings the boys are staying in their room/bed until 6:50! A lot better than 5:45.
The Sparkle stories are still a bedtime love of the boys. And tomorrow we will get our new stories for the week. They can't wait.
I got a new camera bag/purse. It is big. Maybe too big. But I think I am stuck on this word purse. And I need to realize that if it is going to replace having to carry my diaper bag AND camera bag..or my purse and camera bag...and instead can hold all my diaper bag, camera bag, and purse stuff...well then it has to be mighty big. Right? And big bags are in...right?
The sun is out. The temps are decent. I hope we can walk to get Charley after school today. But Syd isn't down yet for her afternoon nap. So we'll see.
My sister is still very pregnant. She is ready. I was all set to travel and actually Ed said we would all go if she had it by the weekend. So come on RAINA! Have that baby so we can ALL come and bombard you in the hospital. Just what you need...all 5 of us crazy runny nosed relatives coming all up in baby R's face.
Ed and I watched The Help recently. Both enjoyed it. One of my all time favorite books and I thought they did a nice job with the movie. We also watched Part 1 of the Breaking Dawn Twilight movies. Yes, everyone says the acting is bad...and it is - but I also can't imagine any other actor/actresses playing the parts...and maybe the lovey dovey love story really is corny in itself...so how can the movie not be a little ridiculous. I am definitely on team Jacob though. We are enjoying movies lately...what should we watch next?
Yesterday Ed took the day off work and he took Henry to his first official ski lessons. We didn't know what to expect because last summer Henry refused to participate in his tennis lessons. He cried on and off all morning about having ski lessons. But when we got there the teacher who checked him in just assumed he was there to ski and he just went with it. This mama is SO PROUD. And I could tell daddy was too. Henry did everything the instructor asked, did a great job, had fun, and didn't have a moment of hesitation. I can't wait to see his progress next week.
Even though we all have little colds, life is good. The weeks fly by. The weather is warming up. Spring will be here before we know it.
Ramble on my friends...give me a little glimpse at your life today.

ALways love the ramblings! What kind of bag did you get? I just ordered a new camera bag too. Nothing too exciting, but functional. The one I want is $150...so that will be my gift to myself after I shoot my first wedding...somday! :) Today included storytime and a trip to the park for a Wyoming-style picnic. It was 20 degrees out but the wind wasn't blowing...so it was fabulous. The boys played in the snow for over an hour! They are napping so well now! Dinner tonight at the neighbors house. Going to drink a big glass of water...followed by an afternoon cup of coffee! :) So proud of you for going to the gym every morning!
My life was great today. It was a monumental birthday and the day went super. Thanks everyone.
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