-Ed got some new button down work shirts. I started to take tags off so I could wash them. Seriously, the amount of tags, stickers, PINS, and cardboard, oh! And tissue paper is ridiculous!
-Sydney is on day two of taking two naps. Loving it.
-Everyone is waking at 6:15 these days. I guess they think it's party time and not mama's quiet time. We're going with it.
-Yesterday it was 52 degrees out. We did chalk and had snack outside. This morning we walked Charley to school. Fresh air does us all good.
-It is really cold and windy today. A few snowflakes have fallen. But we are still without snow and there is still nothing predicted.
-Henry's preschool is having a field trip and he has had some really nice holiday parties but they have a new policy where they pick only a few parents to help out due to parking issues. It makes me sad and frustrated because the preschool years are so precious and I feel like if you pay for it and can attend a function you should be able to. Ed wants to go on this upcoming field trip. So we'll see.
-I have been slacking on meals around here but the Pinterest boards make it so easy to find new recipes and keep track of them. It just requires time to pick a few and figure out ingredients.
-This morning there was a stay at home vs. working mom thing on a morning talk show and I didn't get to see it but I watched a little preview of it and it got me so riled...for both working and stay at home moms. It is hard to feel okay with the choice you make and the important thing is that you are doing what works for your family. I kinda hate that they do those debate things on talk shows because it doesn't help us gals in the trenches trying to feel good about whatever mothering journey we are on.
-My new favorite thing is Pandora. I always knew it was there but I never had a good way to listen. Ed rigged up some Apple TV so that we can play it over our house speakers and a picture slide show plays all day on our TV. The boys are loving seeing all the pictures I have taken and I LOVE having the music. My favorite channel is the one my sister recommended called Angus and Julia Stone. Give it a try.
- Words with Friends has been so fun again lately. Blog friends, family, real life friends...just so fun to have that little interaction popping into life every once in a while during the day.
-Last night Parenthood was on and I purposely didn't watch so I could watch it dvr'd so I can zip through commercials. Can't wait to catch up with that. Still my favorite. I watched Grey's Anatomy last week and decided that it might not be something I can watch these days. So intense and just not enough upbeat story to it.
-I signed up for a knitting class with two new friends from our ECFE class. IT is just two nights and we will knit a hat. Kinda proud of myself for signing up. I am a hermit at night, I don't like to go out. Ed was glad I signed up and said I should do that kind of stuff. And then he threw in that I can knit him some sweater vests....really?
-We got Jimmy Johns for lunch yesterday and Charley got a little of Henry's leftovers today. He came home from school and just thanked me for the Jimmy Johns in his lunch. I appreciate that he thanked me.
-Today Sydney crawled around in tights with a ruffle butt, rainbow leg warmers, a super girl onesie, and a pink tutu. It was darn cute and I got some cute pictures....I wish I could share them.
-This is getting kind of long and rambling. If you were going to list random thoughts today, what would they be. Do share!?

I have been "learning to knit" for about two years now. Between a husbands travel schedule and 4 kids..it's not easy to get out of the house. And most nights I'm happy staying home with my Mad Men on netflix and a glass of wine. :) I'm starting knitting...again..next week. :)
I am a frequent reader, but I never comment. Usually I read your blog at work and don't take time to comment because my boss could walk in at any time! I've never learned to knit but would love to. I'm feeling guilty tonight because my 4 year old is going to sleep with an elmo DVD instead of books with me. I worked all day and am exhausted and he's probably already asleep. And he didn't nap today and is VERY WHINY. So I escaped to my computer. I love reading your blog. It inspires me to be a better Mom. Your Sydney is adorable.
-why were the birds flying North today, whatever! Shouldn't they be flying South?
-Christmas tree is down, so much more room in the house now.
-Reliving our New Year's Eve fun is full of special moments.
-Daydreaming about friends sitting together under palm trees next month.
-Did I really come in third in our Fantasy Football group?
-Missing a verbal 2 1/2 year old and dogger around the house.
-Looking forward to grand baby #5 and wondering and daydreaming about it often.
rambling thoughts...i moaned when i sat down the other day. eli said "what mama?" and i said "my bottom hurts" and he said "ok" and started eating his dinner. glad that was a good enough answer for him and he wasn't worried. Ha. Also trying to drink more water....it's so hard for me. We are supposed to get snow and I'm excited Eli might get to wear Henry's boots afterall. Love your blog-every single entry. makes so many peoples day....RR
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