So a loooong time ago I hinted that I was working on perfecting an at home latte. So I need to share! I owe it to the Bialetti company because they were generous to send me a moka express pot to try. And it has changed my love of mornings.
My brother's girlfriend recommended the maker. She uses her's every morning and is happy. I thought long and hard about investing but I was nervous in the percolator type system. So instead of just investing I emailed the company with a few questions. And a week or two later I held in my hands the moka express 3-cup espresso maker.
By 3 cup...I mean that it produces about 3 shots of espresso.
At first I was really careful about how much espresso I was using in my latte...and then after talking to a Starbucks coffee gal, looking online, talking to friends....etc. I adjusted my measurements and I feel more confident in my end product.
I have made my lattes for all of my family, including my sister who isn't a coffee drinker (I used less espresso and more milk for her). I have made them for my friend Melody who has a fancy espresso machine from William Sonoma and she liked them. I made them for my friend Kim and Molly and both of them were lovin' them. They were here this morning and were waiting impatiently for me to get my butt in gear to make them.
So maybe one of them might have said they were good but lied...but all of them have liked them and have asked me to make them when they came over again.
Now a Latte requires espresso and the steamed and frothed milk...although I prefer a nonfat, vanilla latte with no foam.
Along with the Moka Express stovetop pot I also had to get hands on a milk frother. My friend loves her Nespresso Aeroccino Plus. So we hit our local William Sonoma store and splurged on the frother.
The Nespresso Aeroccino Plus claims to:
A luscious topping of foam is the crowning glory of a cappuccino – and equally essential for lattes, macchiatos and other coffee bar staples. Using this compact machine, you can create that perfect froth with the push of a button.
Simply pour milk into the pitcher and press a button; in no time at all, you’ll have a rich, creamy topping for your favorite coffee beverage.
Can also be used to heat milk for café au lait or hot chocolate.
When frothing or heating is complete, the machine shuts off automatically.
For convenient service, the pitcher lifts off the base.
Includes two whisk attachments.
I have LOVED the frother. I typically use the steaming attachment that heats the milk and gives it a little froth. But the frother attachment makes a really great can pretty much stand your spoon up in it. When I made my friend Sarah a latte with my system she used the frother and LOVED it. She asked for a second cup before I left her house that day. And she is a latte flavors added. Just espresso and I feel like if she liked it - I had myself a decent latte going on here. I also have loved hot chocolate and flavored steamed milk at night. YUM!
I prefer the flavored lattes. I like vanilla best. So I buy myself a bottle of vanilla creamer found in the refrigerated section of the store. I pour just a little bit of that in the frother, along with one cup of skim milk. Two minutes later the milk is steamed and poured onto my espresso and I have a tasty way to start off my morning.
The Moka Espresso pot is SUPER easy to use and way less complicated than I imagined. It is easy to just rinse out and have ready the next morning. The whole process of making a latte takes about 10 minutes.
Step 1. Put water in base of pot.
Step 2. Add espresso coffee..I use the Illy brand that is made for the moka pot.
Step 3. Make sure base is tight to the top part.
Step 4. Turn on burner and let heat.
Step 5. Watch for espresso to percolate out and start spurting...then you know it is done.
HONESTLY, I have fallen in love with my maker. The whole process takes 10 minutes and like I told my friend is almost my little routine that gives me a sense of the midst of spilled cereal, sticky syrupy fingers, whines about what shirt they can or won't wear, the rush of getting out the door...this little 10 minute time is for myself...and as a mom - who gets everyone to the soccer game on time with sunscreen applied, bladders empty, water bottles filled, and snacks packed...but realizes that I still have no sunscreen or a beverage for myself...and possibly with slippers on my is kind of nice to know that there is something each morning that is for me.
Contact me if you are interested or have questions. It really has curbed my urge to hit up the local coffee shops! Which ultimately makes our bank account more happy!
The couple of little snags that I have with the makers...both only make enough for one that means it is hard to do for large numbers of guests. But each one is kind of a work of art..making it to the individuals liking...and they are more of a treat than just a plain old cup of you aren't supposed to drink 5 of them. So the size is actually probably appropriate :)
And if you have been to my house and tasted the latte...feel free to share your thoughts.

so how much do these run?? RR
YUM! Delicious and what a treat when Sarah makes one for me.
I would testify to a jury of my peers, under oath, that I really like the lattes. :) I've had three. If I've counted then you know I must have liked them. Ha! The flavor is definitely not what you get when you try a "latte-type product"'s the real deal. Yum! Thanks, Sarah!
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