These days there is so much info out there on the internet that as mothers we can freak ourselves out diagnosing rashes, coughs, and different colored poop. It is a gift but also probably a stresser. It amazes me the moms I come across in my life who share their experiences where they solved their own little medical mysteries by changing a little thing here or there.
Last week one of the blogs I follow shared her daughters "Milk butt" issues. Truly frightening that she figured out how to rid her daughter of the "milk butt" symptoms just by thinking outside of the box...or rather thinking about what is inside the jug of milk.
As mom's we need to remember to trust our instincts and when I hear little stories like this it reminds me that even though I NEVER hesitate to run my boys into the doctor's office...there are so many little things to try and alter that can impact our children, without smearing chemicals or serving them up doses of man made medicine.
Find out tomorrow what Soy Sauce can do for you!
Thanks for the shout out! It's true- there are so many things, we, as mothers are able to do for our children just by being their mothers (and fathers). We don't have that motherly instinct for nothing!!!
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