Saturday, February 20, 2010


Slept until 7 - the boys slept until 7 this morning!
Ate these pizza pockets today for lunch - they were great!
Toaster and coffee maker were purchased this morning.
U doing?....Henry says, "Hi, You doing?" when playing with 'guys' with Charley.
Reading to my boys tonight before bed, I had two little bodies snuggled up against me.
Diet coke....I had one last weekend and it didn't taste as good as it used to...but I still can't stop craving it.  It is always on my mind.
Actually left the house with a girlfriend to see the movie Valentine's Day!  Loved it!
Yesterday the sun was shining.  Today it was shining again.  Tomorrow we will do more outside in the sun - my goal.  Maybe snowshoeing!


Shell said...

I like Valentine's Day, too. Apparently, it didn't get good reviews, but I think that not every movie has to be deep- they can just be fun and cute.

Anonymous said...

Cute, Sarah!



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