Have you seen this term: SAHM (Stay at Home Mom)...well here in Minnesota if you are subjected to 10 inches of snow + a lot of blowing and drifting in a 24 hour period...and you spend at least 3 hours shoveling your booty off (yes, I am praying that all this shoveling counts towards my daily workouts)...then your title as a Stay At Home Mom might become a Shoveling At Home Mom!
This morning we headed out for our final, I pray, shoveling experience for the week. It was the toughest of the three. Ed told me I didn't need to shovel and I should be careful - he planned on shoveling tonight. However, I like to get the boys out there and we do have an occasional errand to run or visitor to welcome...so....
At 8:15 we bundled up and headed out for an hour of fun (for the boys) and HARD work for me.
I am woman - HEAR me ROAR!
Even better, after we came in the boys played legos and watched a cartoon and I treated myself with a hot shower....and I even put on eye make up. I think it will be the key to keeping the crabby mommy away today!
Today is Tuesday - what will make you ROAR today? What will you tackle?
Go here for more Tackle it Tuesday Posts.
We are supposed to get dumped on today/tomorrow with 6-12 inches, so there will be some shoveling in our future as well.
I plan to go out again this afternoon. The bottom of the driveway is a mess again. Fun times.
You are funny!!! I try to shovel but it is hard to shovel with two under the age of two. So, I tend to let Hubby do it. :)
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