Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Eavesdropping and Open Windows

Today I was given the chance to once again witness four / five year old conversations. You can not help but smile and shake your head when you listen to children talk and discuss life. During carpool this morning Charley and his friend Tyler discussed the Packers and Vikings. They were in awe of the fact that they were fans of different teams. Then the conversation jumped to the movie Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs. They both explained to each other what the story was about. They then once again ended the ride discussing Star Wars.

This afternoon Charley has his good friend Hayden over. The two are excellent playmates. They spent an hour out in the sandbox then came in to have a snack. During snack I was sitting at the kitchen table puttering with things and listened to them discuss their love of cheese and what would happen if we were cheese...would we eat each other? (this question was followed by fits of giggles.) They finished and informed me that they were going to build their mad scientist house with every tinker toy piece we own. They discussed how it might take the whole playdate...or the whole day - then both laughed that the playdate wasn't the whole day...and wouldn't it be great if it could last forever - and this is when Charley said, "Then you could live here forever and be my big brother because you are older." I looked over at him and he sighed with a smile on his face. It is nice when your children find a friend that causes them to smile and sigh with the thought of being siblings. Thanks Hayden for spending your afternoon with us.

The sun is shining today and we have turned off the heat and opened one window just to let a little fresh air in. Already we have friends battling the flu, cold, croup, and other crud. With the rain that lasted the last week and a half, it gives me relief that we can once again open the window and listen to the fall leaves. Winter is upon us and being shut in for the last week gives me pause to realize that we need to relish this fall weather - whether it is sunny, cloudy, windy, warm, or cold. Get out and enjoy it! Air out your house! It isn't below zero and snowing--- yet. Fall is here!

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