Thursday, September 10, 2009

Grace in Small Things #21

1. May every mom have the support of good friends while they conquer the sometimes long days...especially when daddy works late. I joined a Mom's club in our neighborhood and through it I have made some amazing friends. Two of which I hung out with tonight for a dinner play date.

2. Watching Charley slowly warm up to a play date with 7 young ladies he didn't know all that well. He cried when we left because he wanted to play longer.

3. Reading the "Things that Go" book with Henry...actually he reads it to me! He names things like : Boat, car, choo choo, ruck, etc. And laughs with such an honest happiness. Joy!

4. The boys finally sleeping and the dryer humming while I spend time in my virtual world.

5. Tomorrow is a new day and I am determined to not have a whiny four year old - as I fall asleep I will make a plan. His plan for the first hour and a half...wake up, help mama make pancakes, eat, and watch the new cartoon Dino Train! Then he gets picked up for preschool and Henry and I will take off for a morning walk. Sounds good...let's hope it goes this smooth.

6. A wonderful friend that had Charley over to play this afternoon. A little break for both of us.

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