Saturday, July 11, 2009

Grace in Small Things #10

1. Watching my boys eat brown rice by the handful, very hard. It required Henry to almost shove his whole hand in his mouth for only a few grains. At least we were eating outside.

2. Playing cards on the deck with Ed and creaming him in Gin tonight!

3. Having a friend who helps talk out parenting strategies! Tomorrow is a new day!

4. Running into friends at Target. Our town isn't very small but I see someone I know every time! Most of the time I love this.

5. Swinging on the hammock while watching my boys and my man do hula hoop tricks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haha to the hula hoop thing-but don't tell ed i laughed! i also loved the rice one. haha. what good boys. can't wait to spend some time with you guys up north! RR ps i got your voicemail-thank you! Eli's belly button looks normal today-just pops out when he cries.


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