No worries! The tent was assembled without any snapping or fighting! I think it is common for a husband and wife to fight when putting up a tent..especially when it is dark. But this one...even though it weighs nearly 65 pounds took minutes and was easy enough! yay!
Picnic dinner, a walk around the campground, a fire where the boys enjoyed hot dogs and smores, and then it was bedtime. Charley has camped a couple times but this was the first time with a brother. We put them in the tent together. Henry of course grew excited and stood in his pack and play and tossed his nuks out laughing at Charley. Charley of course got silly. We all enjoyed listening to them be brothers. Then after many attempts by mama, peeking in the window and threatening never to camp again if they don't lay down...daddy went in and laid down the law...or rather laid down and night! night! They both went. Henry woke up in the wee hours of the morning and joined me in my sleeping bag....since it was pretty chilly...somewhere in the upper 40s or lower 50s. He slept snuggled for a bit but was awake for the day by 5:30am. Charley was awake around 6 and we were back up by Grandma's by 6:30. Ed's dream of coffee in the perculator will have to wait for tomorrow morning. Our goal tomorrow morning is to last a big longer down there! Because if we ever do this camping thing for real we need to not rely on Grandma's shower, pancakes,et.
I grew up camping with my family and those memories are some of the best. I remember complaining at times that I didn't want to go or do certain things. But I am thankful that I had those experiences. Ed also camped with his family growing up. It is so fun to hear the many similar experiences that we were both raised with. I truly believe that camping is an activity that can make a family stronger. Even with some of the newer luxuries...air mattresses (let it be known that ours had a hole in it so last night we slept on the ground with nothing!), camping makes a family simplify life, take time to interact without the everyday distractions (computers, phones, tv, toys). I really hope that we can get this camping thing down so that we can go and enjoy as the kids grow up.
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