Thursday, June 25, 2009

What have I been doing....

Not this...

Or this...

So all week our kitchen counter has looked like this....I do clean it up but I just haven't timed the dishwasher being done and unloaded in time to reload after dinner. And quite frankly, this week especially, it is the last thing I want to do. The laundry...well it is clean and it just needs to be folded. But sitting and folding it all....well just haven't had the energy. My mind is so busy thinking about more important things and by the time the boys are in bed it is the last thing I want to do with my "me" time. So this week...we live like this.

Summer has proven to be way more busy than the "school" year for us. Granted, Charley is only in preschool...this summer we are up and out of the house four days a week by 8am. He is participating in tennis, soccer, t-ball, swimming, a park program...hmmm anything else. We have to throw in there magic shows at the library, sprinkler/ splash pads, , play dates with friends...and whatever else we can think of. No wonder the boys are ready for bed by 7pm and I look at this counter and couch all week.

So Aunt Raina, you are a mama - and your laundry will explode and you will wonder how one little baby can alter your weekly load so drastically. But he will! So there ya go...a little entertainment while we wait for our update from "the bird." It is coming...I can feel it! Praying for good news!


Anonymous said...

Sarah that is awesome!! I am not going to lie-I have no kids just a husband and sometimes our kitchen and laundry looks like that too! They are my least favorite things to do!!

Just wanted to say thanks for keeping us all updated, you are such a great writer. I want you to keep writing more because I want to read more! Thanks again for everything you are doing, you are a great sister. Raina and Andy are very lucky to have you!


PS the boys are just seeing the pics of charley playing soccer!

Anonymous said...

You have got your priorities right! Good for you! :)



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