Wednesday, June 17, 2009

There still are door to door vacuum salesmen!

And today I was the idiot that got snagged into giving up a whole freakin' hour and a half of my day. We returned home from swimming and got snagged out in our driveway. They promised a carpet cleaning of one of our rooms...I misunderstood and didn't realize I would have to sit for an hour and a half sales pitch on the incredible Kirby vacuum cleaner. I made the boys lunch and the guy showed me all the crap his INCREDIBLE machine could pick up. We have a Dyson vacuum and I always thought we had "the vacuum" to have. But I must admit the Kirby does it all and even after vacuuming a spot 50 times with our vacuum...yes I had to do that folks...Mr. Kirby could still pick up a load of crap. To make a long story short after an hour and a half and feeling sheepish for saying yes because I was saying no, he left. He did a great job but wasn't the best salesman since he left out his sheet that told him what to say so while he was busy I was reading ahead thinking up my excuses.

This is it people! DO NOT COME KNOCKING ON MY DOOR! I must have idiot on my forehead from noon to 3 each day when I am just home with my boys...twiddling my fingers waiting for someone to come give me a sales pitch. I did call Ed and okay that I get our carpet cleaned...he said, "go for it if I wanted to be pestered for the next year saying no to different things. " He knew, and he probably chuckled all afternoon. The thing is, he has just as hard a time saying no as me. Next time honey, just say no! Tell me to just say no!

Moving on with the day and...
Nope, didn't buy the Kirby for $2,895 + tax. Even though Charley said I should just get it and tell daddy. He wouldn't mind. Oh! Wait! They would have sold it to me on the spot for $1,800.00....hmmm...interested. I can send them your direction!

My front room carpet does look damn good!

1 comment:

Aunt Sara said...

I used a Kirby when I was a nanny, and owned a Kirby when I was married, both in two story houses. Carrying a thirty pound vacuum up and down stairs leaves you looking like you've been beaten in the legs with a baseball bat. They do work very well though.


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