Tuesday, June 30, 2009

For Aunt Raina

Who once again had a great day with baby Eli. She is feeling like a mommy and loving every moment. She is very busy and is surprised at how fast the days fly by. I remember those first few weeks of becoming a mommy and how I waited all day for Ed to get home so I could grab a shower....and he would ask how my day was and I wouldn't really know what to exactly say I did but I knew that the day went fast...I guess just busy lovin' up baby. Now with two I wonder what the big deal was about taking five minutes to get a shower in. Here are your little nephew's at bath tonight. Charley has taken to loving his goggles. They make me laugh! You said you wanted a video every day...I can't do that...but I will post this one today. Dumb to everyone else reading this...but for Aunt Raina I know she will enjoy!


Anonymous said...

CUUUUUUUUUTE. love to see the boys.
i want a video every day :)

Peggy said...

someone else besides aunt raina liked the video!!! those boys are ADORABLE!! i love love love that they are buddies and that charley loves his little sidekick!!


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