Friday, April 17, 2009

Things are blooming

This week the weather has been beautiful. We have ended our days having been kissed by the sun...our pink cheeks prove it. Henry's obsession with the outdoors is much easier to deal with when the temps are warm and the sun is shining. He wants to go outside all the time, hangs onto the door frame when we come in, while screaming with unhappiness. Yesterday he wandered the driveway and our cul-de-sac with a jump rope caught on his foot. When it would fall off he would go back to get it. So simple yet totally made him happy. I realized at that moment that watching him explore the little things...a leaf, grass, or a stone reminds me that the world is an amazing place. It also made me realize that this summer I need to let go of the "to do" list and plop down and just let the boys play. I tried to do that last night but I have a to do list as long as can be and so it was hard to just relax.

I got a new camera this week and I need time to figure it out. My brother says to snap as many shots as I can, go for it, try new things...and I am excited to take the time to do this. He gave me the assignment to post my favorite picture of the day on here. I have seen people do this on their blogs and I think I might give this a try. This week has been a little nuts prepping for my sister's shower. YES! She is nearing the end stretch and we are heading down there to celebrate this weekend. We will once again devout some good family time in the car. Worth it- for sure!

So today while the kids were playing outside I took the camera out and just played around. Lots to learn but here are a few signs of spring.

My rhubarb plant- it grows an inch or two every night!

Last fall I transplanted some of our front walk flowers...and I did something right because they are coming up!

This was the mood of my son most of the day...some days it is good they go fast. It could make for an interesting car ride tonight...hopefully he was cranky because he is tired and he conks out immediately!

1 comment:

Junebug said...

So, what kind of camera did you decide on?


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