This afternoon Henry and I brought Charley to preschool. He was hesitant on going today. I tried to get him excited by reminding him all of the things he could share with Ms. Heather (Christmas presents, Henry walking, Henry turning one etc.) He asked us to walk him in and that seemed to help too. Then I watched him meander down the hall with his over sized backpack on, dressed to go outside to play (YEAH! We don't get out enough since it has been too cold for Hank!) Henry and I raced home and I got him down for a nap and he was sleeping by 1:30. Pretty good! He will get almost 2 hours. Which means.....drum roll. I have had two hours to putter around in quiet. I will admit whole-heartily that I wasted my time today. I did work in our trashed bedroom for a bit. It turned into the dump spot as we did last minute cleaning up before company arrived on Saturday. But it really is a two person job so I think Ed and I need to commit to doing it together. But after that I really just puttered around on my mac, got motivated by watching yesterday's episode of Oprah, and just looked around at the house (which is semi cleaned up since we hosted Henry's party this past weekend). It was a delightful afternoon and I am feeling ready for Hank to wake full of energy and tired Charley to arrive home. It will be a normal night, with a normal dinner (of lasagna again!), with a normal bedtime where both Ed and I can work together to get them to bed early and peacefully.
The holiday travel, celebrations, and chaos is great. But it is also nice to just have normal, quiet, everyday routine back in our daily comings and goings. Happy Tuesday!
A Young Man After a Busy Day at the Office (or preschool)
1 comment:
Cheers to peaceful quiet time. Something you take for granted before having children.
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