Saturday, June 22, 2013

Links I Love for your Saturday

Here are a few of my favorite reads this week. 
I LOVED these SO Much.  
I recommend.

I posted a little snippet from them so you get a taste :)


Surviving Summer by Jen Hatmaker...... This one is HILARIOUS!  LOVED IT!    

Snippet:  "Our plan is to keep it light and keep it fun. It’s so nice to enjoy my kids outside the rigors of school for awhile.For me, structure summer too much and all the joy is gone; structure it too little and I will lose my crap. There is a sweet spot somewhere in the middle where we balance resting and playing, chilling out and going out, staying at home and hitting the highway."

An honest post that I appreciate reading...since lots of blogging is all the proud moments shared.

Snippet:  "I will not be ruled by my tongue or my temper.
I will not be controlled by my out-of-control reactions.
I will stop, drop, and take a time out. Behind locked bathroom doors or alone in the minivan if necessary.
I will quiet myself amidst the chaos. I will hold onto my run-away-frustration and chew hard on a piece of ice if that’s what it takes to cool down.
I will remember to eat. To treat myself will the same care I’d treat an explosive device and disarm with regular rest, exercise, food and friendship.
I want my kids to have memories crammed full of family as a safe place and not an unpredictable hot spot.
So I learn when it’s OK to say OK to another episode of Barney. This is better than a mother unhinged by her own limitations and the craft that went all wrong"

This is thirty-eight by A Design so Vast....I'm not turning 38 but I loved her thoughts and can relate to many.

Snippet:  "Thirty eight is solidly in the middle of my life.  Thirty eight is realizing that there are likely as many years behind me as there are ahead.  It is acknowledging that life is no longer a green field, that certain doors are closed, that some choices are irrevocable, and that many of the big what-ifs that haunted my childhood have been answered.  Thirty eight is also realizing that despite these answers, there are far, far more new questions."

I hope you are jumping into your weekend with full force.
Around these parts people are without power, trees are down, parades and fireworks are cancelled....but it's Saturday, we're together, the sun is once again shining.
Jump in!  

Love, Sarah


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